Monday, November 06, 2006

London bridges falling down, falling down...

london has been, to say the very least...interesting. not because of the sights i have seen. But because I think London has it out for me.

you see, every trip I take to london seems to have its problems. nearly 10 years ago, on my first trip, what was intended to be a four day trip, turned into 2 1/2, along with a 14 hour plane ride & an unexpected stop at a foreign military base for emergency repairs. now, i dont complain, as i am always glad for an emergency stop vs something worse. But needless to say, my first trip was...a little shorter than anticipated.

This trip has not been without its...issues? the first began when my friend who I was suppose to visit showed up at my work unexpectedly. alas, she was deported. and as we were soon to find out, the british immigrantion group likes to take there time getting visas back to you following a deportation.

so London became a solo trip. so far.
luckily, some gracious friends have been kind enough to show me around. I have seen the famous Brick Lane ( and purchased some yummy mangos)...the artist markets are amazing...and so many...and the best indian food..I mean its brick lane.

jet lag always hits me at weird times...
