Monday, June 05, 2006

life goes on, even when you don't want it to...

So I now have a lot more time on my hands. I am going to try to actually keep up to date with this blog. I know it is nothing really exciting, but it’s what I got. Sorry for the abstractness in some elements. But they are just thoughts.

A few quick thoughts right now:

- I will post the free shows list soon. I know this is posted a lot of other places, but I find
comfort in doing mine. Camp Meeska will start again soon.
- Mud- don’t be afraid to run in it. Sometimes it can be fun.
- Cheating. Whether it is mental, physical or emotional, be adult about it not to do it.
- Kickball is awesome. Most of the time.
- Yoga- how bendy can I get. Time to find out.
- Regina Spektor- even awesome when backlight by a gothic set synagogue with thunder &
- You can’t ever really prepare yourself, even when you were going to do it


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