Wednesday, December 14, 2005


The downtown New York dance scene was capped off when the party Misshapes was created, hosted at the West Village gay bar Luke & Leroy’s. Hipsters from Brooklyn, the east village & beyond use to travel the 1/ 9/ A/C/E & F lines every Saturday night to get a spot into this party which hosted guest DJ’s from across the world.

You knew Misshapes was getting a little to big when it make the top 100 list on a trendy men’s magazine. And then Madonna showed up to launch her new album. So of course the fire marshall was going to show up & count how many underage hipster kiddies were hiding under the bar.

So alas, Misshapes moved to a bigger venue. Don Hills. Now I will admit that I have never seen a show at Don Hills, but I hear it use to be great. But that is besides the point.

Misshapes use to say they charged a cover of $5. However, that was a very indefinable $5. Basically, if you did one of the following:
- Knew Thomas the door guy
- Got there early enough
- Were a guy with at least a semi attractive girl
- Dressed out of the Urban Outfitters catalog
- Waited on line long enough
You were not charged. I fell in at least one of those options each time I attended (except for the guy one). It would be crowded, sweaty & smoky, but you danced you ass off & generally got cheap drinks.

Well, the Misshapes that we once knew is now debunked. The change in venue has caused the party to become a bit more exclusive- not only are they charging $10 a person (although the door guy right after Thomas is willing to make you a deal if you try hard enough), but they are now only comping their friends (still 90% of the attendees, but still..)

New York is too big, there are too many bars & there are too many good DJ’s to charge a cover! And this isn’t Chelsea. So it is the end of an era. Or at least Misshapes. Besides, I wouldn’t pay $10 to see a L.Lo movie. Why would I to see her in real life?

Go out Friday night instead. Hit Ultragrrl’s party at Orchard bar instead. Or Trash at Rafiffi. Saturdays always sucked anyway.


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