Wednesday, December 21, 2005

traffic sucks and so does the MTA

so the MTA transit strike is now in day two. what does that mean to all the transit reliant New Yorkers? Well, day one of the strike meant- work from home! To most new yorkers this is like the snow day that you get as a kid (or live in the suburbs). but when you live here, you get shafted, since the subways run...well underground.
but now day two of the strike has come & gone. what does this now mean?
-$15 cab rides (at least for me)
-arriving either early or last to work & either leaving early or late
-delayed christmas shopping (if you are still trying to do it like me)
-missed dinners & awful holiday goodbyes
-stressful trips trying to get to the airport

I personally do not agree with the tranist worker union striking. Even low level workers make more than I do (and I definately make a decent living as a corporate whore), and they get to retire at 55. 55! What are you going to do after you retire at 55 and still live in NYC? um, get another job? and you don't want to pay into your health insurance plan? Why not? Everyone else does!

I agree, you may not have a glamorous job. But at least you are working. at least you are capable of working. and striking. so suck it up, be fair, and help out your fellow new yorkers in the meantime.


Blogger Brooke Bodner said...

MTA is like a neglectful boyfriend, yes? Even when it sucks... your like, well, it's better than nothing. And now we know what nothing feels like.

7:55 AM  
Blogger Brooke Bodner said...

read my blog I linked you!

8:02 AM  

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