Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Holidays

So for anyone who was following the pre Christmas news (aside from the MTA strike that is), you may have heard about the ongoing debate between retail stores and religious people who are offended by the greeting of “Happy Holidays” and want retail stores to return to the greeting of “Merry Christmas” when greeting shoppers who enter the store post Thanksgiving until December 24.

Those who are offended feel that by losing the “ Merry Christmas” , you are losing the “reason for the season.” Religious groups have even tried to enforce a boycott at such locations. This topic even became a conversation for debate within my family on Christmas Eve.

As a child of a mixed faith marriage, I personally would like to commend the companies that continue to use “Holidays” over “Christmas.” By using this term, you are being all inclusive (and thus non-offensive) to the people who do not celebrate Christmas. The phrase “Holidays” includes Hanukkah, Kwanza, and even the Winter Solstice for the practicing Wiccan, and whatever else my be practiced at this time (apologies for any that were not directly mentioned).

While I am far from being a Nationalist, the great thing about the United States is that we do not have a national religion. (if someone could remind our president of this again, things might be a little easier). We are a country that allows people to practice whatever they believe in, and even allows the halfies out their to celebrate their Christmakkah in peace (and current popularity).

To those who are offended- go lock yourself in a bomb shelter. You will probably be safer there until whatever cosmic event you believe in happens. While in there, you can teach your children your exclusionary ways. Best part is, since it is just you locked in there, they will never have to actually practice to be a bigot.

In New York, we have people excluding others due to race, income, housing, clothing & even haircuts sometimes. In a season meant to celebrate miracles of all kinds, let’s all become a little less sensitive. Otherwise, next year, retailers will just greet you with “Happy New Year”.

So on that note "Happy Holidays' to all of you out there. Hope your occasions were happy & that you don't pass out before midnight on New Year's.



Blogger Brooke Bodner said...

cute and edge..like a little cheese knife...that shit can cut!
getting sick here on candy and a bright plastic nativity set. (sigh) I love the holidays.

1:43 PM  

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