Monday, January 09, 2006

the unofficial update

Ok, its been a while since I have posted so a quick update on “all things pop”

Munich- excellent movie. Eric Bana is my new favorite actor. And the woman who plays his wife is beautiful. While a lot of propaganda, the acting is excellent.

X Rated New Years party- drunk & throwing up by 2:30= successful night for me. It meant LNP didn’t see my boobs, so it was generally a successful night.

Exorcism of Emily Rose- interesting take on a thriller movie. But now 3am freaks me out

Undeclared- Best Underated show ever! Great cast in general, excellent guest stars (will Ferrell, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, etc). Figures Fox would cancel it. * Note to Producers- if you have a great show & Fox pick it up- Say goodbye to initial success. But never fret- you will get a cult following, release a box set & possibly even a feature film. Just look at the history.

Hostel- #1 rated movie at the box office. I will see this at 1pm in the afternoon one day, when it is bright & sunny out. When my other nightmares stop. I need to sleep at some point.

The Post Show- Season 1 available on DVD next week. Or just watch them for freel. Either way- see it.

While I have been far from regular at posting, there will be even less in the near future. Sundance starts in 2 weeks. I will be there. So read : to get reviews of new indie movies on the market, as well as celeb sighting & gossip. And maybe a pic or two falling on my ass on a ski slope. Don’t I just hook you guys up!



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